Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Reseach Blog: First Post

In determining what tone in which to address any audience in which this blog reaches, I have decided to try and maintain a somewhat professional attitude. I feel that it's important to maintain a imformative yet casual tone because I'd rather not seem like the type of writer who tries to flood the reader with technical jargon until they are unable to comprehend whatever it is that I'll be trying to communicate. In difference to the choice of a personnal, more friendly blog, I would like to use the research blog as an opportunity to further explore a subject to which I am currently unknowledgable. If there is able to be a theme set to this blog, I would like it to be either online schooling/hybrid in-person, networking class structuers or something along the lines of foreign arts that differentiate from the common wester painting such as Michaelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci. Unfortunately, at this step I am still rather fuzzy as to any guidelines or restrictions that coincide with this creation so I will leave it up for possible choice temporarily.

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